Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Oil Industry And Fossil Fuels Essay - 1995 Words

Around the world there is major controversy on the continuing support of the oil industry and fossil fuels. The production and consumption of oil affects the American citizen’s everyday life in some form or another. Many Americans have a strong view regarding the consumption and production of fossil fuels. Recently, especially on social media this particular controversial issue has been brought to the forefront due to the protests in regards to the Dakota Access Pipeline. In past major headlining news, in 2010 the Deepwater Horizon furthered the discussion of using nonrenewable resources. The youth of America is taught throughout their education how special the earth is, and the crucial role one plays in preserving the land and wildlife for the generations to come. As a society who lies heavily on the production of oil, the country needs to weigh the pros and cons of continuing their involvement in this industry, as well as considering the amount of influential pull the United States has with other powerful nations. One of the main determining factors behind America and their decision to either continue supporting the oil industry, or moving towards renewable energy sources is the ability to evaluate the validity of alternative energy sources at hand. There are a number of alternative energy sources available including; solar, tidal, wind, and biofuels to just name a few. The growing trend in the twenty-first century is to be environmentally cautious of the impact fromShow MoreRelatedAlternative Energy Sources Of Fossil Fuels1701 Words   |  7 Pages the world has run on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are critical to global energy infrastructure due to their inherent advantages and generate significant economic value as a result. However, the negative economic and environmental implications of fossil fuels demands a permanent transition towards alternative energy. The world will continue to investigate alternative energy sources and must commit to them to avoid long-term environmental degradation. Ultimately, fossil fuels are on the way out, butRead MoreFossil Fuels And Its Effects On The Environment1175 Words   |  5 PagesFossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas, are currently the world s primary energy source. Fossil fuels have powered economic growth worldwide since the industrial revolution, but they are nonrenewable resources and can severely damage the environment. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the burning of fossil fuels was responsible for 79 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2010. Although efficiency can help reduce emissions produced by the burning of fossil fuels,Read MoreAdvantages Of Fossil Fuels998 Words   |  4 PagesWhat are fossil fuels? Fossil fuels are a type of gas that dominate the energy sources. Fossil fuels are one of the most used and they are starting to run out. They are mostly used due their low prices. They estimate that by the end of the 21st century fossil fuel nuclear What are fossil fuels? Fossil fu els are a type of gas that dominate the energy sources. Fossil fuels are one of the most used and they are starting to run out. They are mostly used due their low prices. They estimate that by theRead MoreFossil Fuels : The World s Primary Energy Resources1736 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract Fossil Fuels such us oil, coal, and natural gas are currently the world’s primary energy resources because they originate from living things. Formed millions of years ago from the decomposition of organic materials such as plants and animal life, it is non-renewable resources that supplied U.S. and global economic development over the past century. In fact, Fossil fuel industries mine or drill for this energy resources, burn them to provide electricity. Natural gas and oil are used whenRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The Environment993 Words   |  4 Pages Global warming is part of earth. This meaning the air and the way the fossil fuels come into play. I want to start out talking about fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources. They can take up to thousands of years to produce. This is why they are non-renewable because it takes so long to make more. These fossil fuels are used to make gas and oil for people to drive their cars and oil for these big plants. The way that they are found is by digging deep in the groundRead MoreBiodiesel : A Potential Renewable Fuel? Essay853 Words   |  4 PagesBIODIESEL: A POTENTIAL RENEWABLE FUEL? 1. Introduction. The American philosopher, ecologist and scientist, Aldo Leopold introduced in his book ‘A Sand County Almanac’ in 1949 the idea of ‘thinking like a mountain’. This basic and simple phrase was later analysed and further explored by environmentalist philosopher Arne Naess. He stated that thinking like a mountain consisted mainly in realizing that humans are part of the biosphere, therefore, mankind should be able to recognize several responsibilitiesRead MoreAlternative Energy And Renewable Energy1668 Words   |  7 Pagesevery facet of our daily lives. Due to this, we overlook several negative effects our traditional use of fossil fuels have caused. Fossil fuels are fuel deposits that were formed hundreds of millions of years ago, which is where the term fossil fuels come from. The two most common fossil fuels currently in use are coal and oil, which power the majority of our infrastructure. However, fossil fuels are known to have some drawbacks which is whe re projects for alternative energy come into play. AlternativeRead MoreA Common Misconception Of Fossil Fuels1317 Words   |  6 Pages Intro Although there is a common misconception that fossil fuels will cause pollution, mankind should rely on fossil fuels for energy not only because they are cheap and plentiful, but also because alternative energy is very unreliable. Coal $0.10 Natural Gas $0.07 Nuclear $0.095 Wind $0.20 Solar PV $0.125 Solar Thermal $0.24 Fossil Fuels are cheap and plentiful. Coal costs 10 cents per kilowatt hour compared to the 12 cents to 24 cents of solar panelsRead MoreThe Earth Is Warming1412 Words   |  6 Pageshalt all progress made. Clinton has proposed policies that reduce power given to fossil fuel subsidies with the goal for completing the Clean Power Plan. Trump has proposed policies that reduce power given to the EPA with the mindset that global warming is a hoax. Clinton’s expansion on climate change initiatives is environmentally and economically beneficial while Trump’s policies only benefit the oil and gas industries at the cost of clean energy reform. Trump’s climate change policies reverse Obama’sRead MoreFossil Fuels And Renewable Energy Essay1121 Words   |  5 Pagesdebate are at fossil fuels and renewable energy. Energy efficiency is arguably the most dire concern facing the planet, because it significantly impacts all areas of everyday life. Common ground can be found in this controversy because both parties do agree that humans have a responsibility to future generations. That responsibility is to preserve the resources of the Earth, while offering this generation energy that is affordable and accessible. Many people contend that fossil fuels, while being

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